We offer the independent eControl conversion inside one of our Fully Refurbished Aga Range Cookers, or a retro-fit conversion for existing cookers.
The eControl Kit is a third-party conversion system (not an official AGA product), and utilises electric elements above and below the cast iron ovens to allow even distribution of heat, with unprecedented heat up times. The kit has been tested and approved as UK Conformity Assessed, and comes with its own 5 year parts guarantee, direct from the manufacturer.is
The eControl Conversion is controlled via the sleek control panel, allowing you to manually control the temperatures of each hotplate and oven.
Each hob can be individually turned on and off (with user-set temperatures), plus the extra option of an Eco Mode (low heat) for lower running costs and improved heat-up times.
Each oven temperature can be adjusted to allow Roasting/Simmering, Roasting/Baking or Baking/Warming - yes, you can have a baking oven on the 2 oven model!
When the ovens are switched on, the temperature is dictated by the temperature dials and the target temperature is shown on the displays.
When ECO MODE is activated, the Top Right Hand oven automatically turns to a baking temperature and all other ovens switch off. Some residual heat will transfer down to the bottom oven for gentle warming.
With your traditional 'always on' Aga range cooker, you don't have to worry about heat up times. With the eControl, you have the option to use your range 24/7, or (for even lower running costs), use it as and when needed. This is probably the steepest learning curve when it comes to post-conversion life! To make the transition easier for you, you could start by running your ovens on ECO MODE (baking oven temperature in the top right hand oven) 24/7. This is the most efficient way of keeping an 'always on' oven, with cheaper energy bills.
Everybody will use the eControl system differently. Some users will opt to keep the hotplates on for ambient warmth, others will turn them off completely, turn the Aga Range Cooker to ECO, and focus on running as cheaply as possible.
For the most efficient running of the eControl system, we recommend turning your cooker off at night, and using the hotplates as little as possible (also turning them off completely). If you're using your ovens or hotplates more than 3 times throughout the day, we recommend keeping one on constantly, to save heating from cold each time. Even running them at a lower 'slumber' temperature and turning up before use would be sufficient. Make sure you check your energy supplier tariff to get the best kw/hr price available.
Top Oven
(from cold) – Roasting (220c) in 62mins.
(from cold) - Baking (180c) in 44mins.
(from Eco) – Roasting (220c) in 20mins.
plus 30 minutes for temperature stabalisation.
(from cold) – Cooking temp in 8-10mins.
(from cold) - Boiling in 14mins.
(from Eco) – Full Temperature in 5mins.
INSTAHOB is a circular electric ceramic hob that replaces your right-hand steel hotplate, giving you instant heat when you need it.
As you can see from the heat-up times, utilising ECO mode in-between cooking times can reduce your waiting times whilst still reducing your running costs vs 24/7 full temperature usage.
Advantages of the eControl Conversion:
Disadvantages of the eControl Conversion:
Each eControl Aga Range Cooker and family will have different running costs depending on how they use the cooker.
An automatic ON/OFF timer can be used turn the Aga Range Cooker on/off at set intervals.
This is particularly useful when the house is empty during normal working hours, and you have meals at roughly the same time.
There's always the option to use the cooker as and when you need it (or on 24/7!) that's the joy of eControl.
Use the below kw/hr figures to work out prices on your current electricity tariff and price per unit.
We've estimated using the 0.34p per kw price, but you will also have your daily standing charge.
Top oven @ Baking Temp. Bottom oven OFF (with passive warming temp)
0.22 kWh or £12.57 per week
Top oven @ Roasting Temp. Bottom oven OFF (with passive simmering temp)
0.27 kWh or £15.42 per week
Top oven @ Roasting Temp. Bottom oven @ Simmering Temp
0.34 kWh or £19.42 per week
Top oven @ Roasting Temp. Bottom oven @ Baking Temp.
0.43 kWh or £24.56 per week
HOTCUPBOARD ON 24/7 (4 Oven Model)
Top LH oven @ Simmering Temp. Bottom LH oven @ Warming Temp.
0.26 kWh or £14.86 per week
One Hotplate @ Boiling Temp
0.48 kw/hr or £0.16p per hour
One Hotplate @ Simmering Temp
0.39 kw/hr or £0.13p per hour
LH Hotplate @ 200c. RH Hotplate @ 165c.
0.40 kw/hr or £0.14p per hour
About The Author:
Steven has been working with Aga Cookers since he was helping his father from the ripe old age of 10 years old! He created SALTIRECOOKERS with transparency and information in mind - a sustainable, family business, built to advise and share knowledge passed throughout the generations.
His absolute favourite part of the job is meeting all of the dogs.
About The Author:
Steven has been working with Aga Cookers since he was helping his father from the ripe old age of 10 years old! He created
SALTIRECOOKERS with longevity in mind - a sustainable, family business, built to last throughout the generations. His favourite part of the job is meeting the dogs, seeing a good before/after and hearing great feedback.
Some Further Reading:
We are independent and we are not supplied (or endorsed) by Aga Rangemaster Ltd or Aga Rangemaster Group Ltd.
To pass savings onto you, the parts & accessories we provide are non-genuine or specifically designed alternatives.
Our website content is not to be copied or duplicated without our consent.
© 2025 Saltire Cookers Ltd