The 4 Oven Aga Cooker

The Complete Domestic Workhorse.

The 4 oven Aga range cooker is an entertainer's dream. The addition of a warming cupboard to the left hand side, contains the Simmering Oven and an additional Warming Oven - perfect for keeping meals warm or plates ready for serving. As with the 3 oven model, you have a baking oven which is now located at the bottom right.

The Roasting Oven is still the highest temperature oven and is located at the top right of the front plate. Each of the RH ovens have the dimensions W:349mm x H:254mm x D:495mm. The total 4 oven dimensions (without plinths or clearances) are W: 1487mm x H: 851mm x D: 679mm. See our install guide for clearances etc.

The 4 Oven Aga range cooker is basically a 2 Oven model, with an additional 'hotcupboard' on the left hand side. The bottom Right Hand oven, which is typically a Simmering Oven on the 2 Oven model, has increased temperature and becomes a Baking Oven. The hotcupboard section is made from fabricated steel and provides a Simmering Oven, Warming Oven and Warming Plate.

Your Boiling Plate at optimum temperature will be approximately 315c. Your Simmering Plate will be around 100c cooler, at approximately 215c. Some Aga Cookers run slightly hotter or cooler than others - every model is different!

The roasting oven (top right) has an average temperature of between 220c-240c (depending on the shelf position inside the oven) and the simmering oven (top left) sits at 115-140c. The baking oven (bottom right) is around 180c and the warming oven (bottom left) has a temperature of approx 65c. These are average temperates and they will fluctuate depending on your shelf position or door seals/insulation.

In addition to the Warming Oven, you also gain a Warming Plate on top of the Aga range cooker. This is perfect for keeping dishes warm before serving, or keeping the kettle ready to boil for your cuppas. If you're missing your traditional electric/gas hob, you can integrate them into the hot cupboard by removing the warming plate.

About The Author:

Steven has been working with Aga Cookers since he was helping his father from the ripe old age of 10 years old! He created SALTIRECOOKERS with transparency and information in mind - a sustainable, family business, built to advise and share knowledge passed throughout the generations.

His absolute favourite part of the job is meeting all of the dogs.

About The Author:

Steven has been working with Aga Cookers since he was helping his father from the ripe old age of 10 years old! He created SALTIRECOOKERS with longevity in mind - a sustainable, family business, built to last throughout the generations. His favourite part of the job is meeting the dogs, seeing a good before/after and hearing great feedback.

Some Further Reading:

by Steven Johnson 15 March 2025
The Aga Cooker refurbishing market has changed drastically. 
by Steven Johnson 29 January 2025
Hello! Its the end of January as I write this, so I'm a tad late in our 'end of year' reporting, but December is our crazy month so things ran away from me. I've just finished our company reports for 2024 and I thought they'd be quite interesting for you to see (if you find charts and spreadsheets interesting like me).
25 January 2025
Wondering how hot your aga should be? We've got typical temperatures, which oven is which, and diagrams! Find your optimum aga temperature and how to identify the current temperature of your aga cooker.
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